You will need
- - cowberry leaf;
- - diuretic tea.
A one-time appearance of salts in the urine is not something unusual or dangerous. It may be a reaction to certain foods, a symptom of lack of fluid in the body or simply a mistake of the lab. Guard should only be the case if salts are detected and re-research. In this case not to do without diagnostic procedures and doctor consultations.
The main treatment is diet. Change your diet depending on the type of salts in the urine. If the analysis discovered urate or oxalates, exclude from menu, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, spinach, sorrel, and parsley. Refuse nourishing broths and foods high in vitamin C. If detected in the urine phosphates, eliminate dairy products, concentrated juices and vegetable dishes.
Drink plenty of fluids. Speeding up the kidneys, it promotes the excretion of salts from the urinary tract. In the cold season, the daily amount of drinking should be not less than one and a half liters. In summer, the daily quantity of liquid should be increased to 2-2,5 liters. In addition to the regular and mineral water you can drink tea, fruit drinks, fruit drinks and herbal teas.
Drink herbal diuretic herbs. They normalize the water-salt metabolism in the body and cleanse the urinary tract. Brew cranberry sheet: a tablespoon of minced raw pour 200 ml of boiling water, continue to heat for 10 minutes, then cool and strain the broth. Drink the resulting liquid throughout the day in three doses. Continue treatment for 2-3 weeks.
Drink a diuretic tea. In the pharmacy you can buy several varieties of this collection. Depending on the composition of tea will vary and the dosage and method of preparation, and duration of the therapeutic course.
Drink a diuretic tea. In the pharmacy you can buy several varieties of this collection. Depending on the composition of tea will vary and the dosage and method of preparation, and duration of the therapeutic course.