Try to remember the name of the song in the words that sound in it. Most often the keywords from the title are heard in the chorus, and you can, for example, to find the desired piece in your collection or on the Internet. In this way you can find out who is the executor if you know only the name of the song. You can try to find his voice, manner of execution or to try to catch different arrangement details, characteristic for this artist.
Use one of the music forums on the Internet services or answers to questions, where there are many topics in which some people help to remember the song to others. Include as many details as possible that will help others learn this piece of music: you heard her, what words, what was the motive, etc. Pay special attention to the sites of radio stations that broadcast the song, and the form on them.
Apply one of the special software, allowing to know the name and artist of a song, for example, “TrackID” from Sony. Install the application on your mobile phone, and once near you (for example, on radio or on TV) will play the desired song, start it. The app will record a small clip of a song and compare it with existing database of musical works online (make sure that you have an Internet connection). This is one of the fastest and most effective ways to recall the song.