Second higher education is associated with financial costs, because by law, only the first specialty is free. Learning takes place rapidly, it lasts for two to three years. Note that the time is reduced not due to the compression of programs, and due to the transport of General subjects from the diploma of previous education. In addition, students must master a great amount of information on their own.
Russian legislation does not provide restrictions on the age of entrants for the second higher education, although you should be familiar with the conditions of admission at your chosen University. Note that the hostel nonresident students enrolled in the second higher education is not available.
To re-enroll in educational institution, you will need a diploma of higher vocational education. If you graduated, please provide the document of the state sample to the admissions office. Some schools offer students to get second higher education in parallel with the first. This is necessary to conclude a contract, which States that students enrolled in the correspondence Department.
The man, already having a diploma of higher education pass the entrance exams is not required, as sufficient for admission to interview or written test in core subjects.
Getting a second higher education, students attend the lectures on professional and other subjects that meet state educational standards. Last year, students defend their graduation project and pass the state exam. They then receive a diploma of higher education. Graduates also have the opportunity to obtain a bachelor's degree, master's or specialist.