You will need
  • - cabbage leaf
  • - iodine
  • - rye bread and honey
  • - magnesia
  • - congee
  • - a decoction of chamomile
To remove bruises from injections, you need to follow some rules:Take a cabbage leaf, hold it in your hands to warm it up. Attach it to the place where there were bruises. Cold leaf cannot be applied, because after the injections is very sensitive to cold, and may form an abscess.
At night make iodine mesh. To do this, soak a cotton swab in the iodine and "draw" the grid. This will help to warm up the bruises from the injections, and this in turn contributes to their rapid disappearance.
Take a bit of rye bread, add a tablespoon of honey. By mixing you should have the dough. Make pancake like patties and place them on the bruises. The method brings a little discomfort, but the effect is perfect.
Buy at the pharmacy magnesia. Make lotions for the night. All bruises should be gone in 4-5 sessions.
Take a tablespoon of honey and a little heat. Spread the bruising, and the top and attach a plastic bag in order not to stain your clothes. Leave it for the night. To completely get rid of bruises need 5-8 sessions.
Make congee. Soak a cloth in it and apply to the place where the formed bruises. Leave for 25 minutes. Then wipe the bruises decoction of chamomile. Chamomile has absorbing properties, and thus, the bruises quickly disappear.
After a shower, use a regular cream that has vitamin K, R or C. These vitamins contribute to the rapid resorption of bruises.In order to quickly remove bruises from injections , you can also use the pharmacy tools. Among them there are ointments and lotions. So which method suits you more – you decide.