Abscess (abscess) represents the local (in the subcutaneous tissue, muscles, etc.) accumulation of pus, the occurrence of which triggers the ingested pathogens. This situation in most cases arises from the fact that the introduction of injection was not observed sterility. In addition, an abscess may occur when a weakened immunity of the patient, subject pastel mode for a long time, the presence of bedsores.
Most often, an abscess at the injection site treated with physical therapy. It uses a special electric massagers. They effectively affect the abscess, so after a few days start to improve.
In order to remove the abscess, the doctor may prescribe a grid of iodine. It is done at the injection site several times a day. Along with it is usually prescribe a tincture of propolis. First abscess lubricated with vaseline. Then applied a bandage soaked in the tincture of propolis, and then plastic film. This compress is best done at night.
Excellent help with the abscess, the ointment Vishnevsky. It is quite often issued by doctors, they would be directed in a specific pattern. First, the ointment is applied on the boil, and then covered with a gauze soaked in alcohol. All this is left for 3 hours. After 4-5 hours the procedure must be repeated. You need to hold it until there was no improvement.
If you do not wish to go to the hospital, use the proven treatments. Take honey and apply on abscess, cover it with fresh burdock leaf, fix on top of the plastic wrap. Leave this compress on all night.
Effectively relieves boils cabbage. It is applied on the injection site after the sheet will be gently excised with a knife. For maximum effect, go with this poultice throughout the day. Replace it before you go to sleep.
Quickly cope with the abscess puncture the leaves scarlet. First they are put in the fridge for 40 hours. Then they get a rolling pin and then applied to the affected area and held in place by polyethylene.
If the abscess appeared long ago, it is better to use cottage cheese. He is first heated on a steam bath and then warming up with a fork. Next, the curd is slightly cooled, is applied to the boil, covered with plastic wrap and leave for 12 hours. Make a compress based on cottage cheese within 7 days.
Medical treatment of abscess
Most often, an abscess at the injection site treated with physical therapy. It uses a special electric massagers. They effectively affect the abscess, so after a few days start to improve.
In order to remove the abscess, the doctor may prescribe a grid of iodine. It is done at the injection site several times a day. Along with it is usually prescribe a tincture of propolis. First abscess lubricated with vaseline. Then applied a bandage soaked in the tincture of propolis, and then plastic film. This compress is best done at night.
Excellent help with the abscess, the ointment Vishnevsky. It is quite often issued by doctors, they would be directed in a specific pattern. First, the ointment is applied on the boil, and then covered with a gauze soaked in alcohol. All this is left for 3 hours. After 4-5 hours the procedure must be repeated. You need to hold it until there was no improvement.
Folk remedies for the treatment of an abscess
If you do not wish to go to the hospital, use the proven treatments. Take honey and apply on abscess, cover it with fresh burdock leaf, fix on top of the plastic wrap. Leave this compress on all night.
Effectively relieves boils cabbage. It is applied on the injection site after the sheet will be gently excised with a knife. For maximum effect, go with this poultice throughout the day. Replace it before you go to sleep.
Quickly cope with the abscess puncture the leaves scarlet. First they are put in the fridge for 40 hours. Then they get a rolling pin and then applied to the affected area and held in place by polyethylene.
If the abscess appeared long ago, it is better to use cottage cheese. He is first heated on a steam bath and then warming up with a fork. Next, the curd is slightly cooled, is applied to the boil, covered with plastic wrap and leave for 12 hours. Make a compress based on cottage cheese within 7 days.