If you have the status of a large family, then count on some additional measures of social support, which are annually regularly indexed to inflation. This is a monthly cash payment to pay for public services quarterly for each child, as well as the annual subsidy to students. All these payments do not depend on per capita family income.
Experiencing difficulties when applying for a job at a temporary employment, which should be provided by the employment service. Other than salaries parents with many children will get a small additional income. This material support is at least one unemployment benefit.
Employers offering permanent job to parents, subsidies provided from the Federal budget. However, organizations equip jobs, buy necessary equipment or provide the parents with work at home in accordance with their profession.
Use the benefit of medical support in the form of free medications for each child under the age of 6 years. Receive compensation for the maintenance of the child in kindergarten: 20% for first child, 50% for second and 70% for subsequent children. These payments are not taxed.
As well as annually submit documents to the tax authority to be exempted from the payment of taxes from physical persons on the property (one dwelling). Receive standard tax deductions on income tax for each minor child or student full-time tuition at the age of 24. This can be done only when the income when growing up have not exceeded in the current year amount.
Similarly, the deductions are allocated to pay for medical services and medicines for children up to 18 years. And also in the form of premiums paid to insurance organizations under agreements of voluntary insurance for minor children to pay for the treatment.
Those families whose per capita income does not exceed the subsistence minimum established in this period in the region, can otpravlyaut free their children health camps and sanatoriums. The regional budget for this purpose allocates each year a free ticket. Write in time the application and submit it to the administration of the city or municipality.
In that case, if your young large family (the oldest family member are under 35 years) is recognized as needing improved housing conditions, have within the long-term target programs of social benefits for the construction or purchase of housing in the amount of 35% of the average value of the dwelling. But you need to contact your local authority to participate in the program.
All women who gave birth to five children and raised them until the age of 8 years are entitled to retire early. That is, the presence of the insurance experience not less than 15 years can retire at 50.