Evenings and morning before the testing eat a lot of sweets. The result shows a deviation from the norm of glucose levels. This method will help to spoil the analysis of blood and urine. But that's just appoint retake tests the next day, and if you continue to have an influence on the results, will prescribe treatment, which is not the best way affect a healthy organism.
Eat fatty, fried and smoked. Well raises the level of cholesterol and fats in the blood smoked bacon, it really affects the results of blood tests from a vein. If you've got hepatitis or HIV, do not experiment, you will then need to doubt their authenticity. But in other cases you can even get treatment in the hospital.
In the evening, SIP of strong alcohol, preferably at least 0.5 liters of vodka. In the morning blood will be observed strong changes of the white blood cells will increase, and other substances will also be contained in blood abnormalities. But to breathe at the doctor desirable, otherwise your plan will be exposed.