General guidelines

The number and technique of urine collection depends on the type of study. For example, to pass a General analysis will require first morning urine. You need to pre-commit toilet exterior genitals, without using soap or other hygiene items - this can affect the result of the analysis.

It is necessary to collect not less than 100 milliliters of urine. First you need a few seconds to urinate in the toilet, and then into the tank, which then goes to the lab. Collected urine should not be stored for several hours - can change its chemical composition.

To collect urine for analysis according to Nechyporenko, you need into a clean container (ideally, if it is purchased at a pharmacy laboratory plastic Cup or container with a tight-fitting lid), collect 50-100 ml of urine. If it is not possible to buy a special container, like a conventional glass jar of appropriate size. The Bank must first be thoroughly washed and dried.
If the urine will have to pass an infant, use pediatric urostomy pouch sold in pharmacies. This device allows to collect the urine of boys and girls.

For putting most of the analyses usually required to collect the morning urine in the amount of 50-100 milliliters.

Daily urine test

The main purpose of the analysis of daily urine output - the total volume of urine to assess the level of the kidneys. Sometimes patients that are preparing for the study, ask for extra to fix the amount of alcohol consumed per day of water including absorbed with food.

When the patient has to pass an analysis of daily urine (so-called diurnal diuresis), you must collect all urine that is allocated to them within 24 hours into one container. This analysis will allow to determine how much creatinine can filter the kidneys during this time, and the daily loss of protein and indicators of secretion of hormones and minerals. Usually this analysis is performed in a hospital. To the patient can urinate directly into the container, and a transfer portion after the next urination. Capacity during the day should be stored in a cool and dark place, and then immediately taken to the laboratory for testing.
If shortly before the blood sample was taken, antibiotics it is necessary to warn the doctor, as this may affect test results.

Urinalysis to identify drug

This study is conducted, usually with the help of test strips. For the analysis in this case will require no more than 50 milliliters of urine. Any prior training is not needed. Urine should be collected in dry container, then transfer to the laboratory for analysis. Results are usually ready in 10-15 minutes.