Prepare documents for registration of a child at a boarding school. Except his birth certificate and passport if he has reached 14 years of age, will need to show his medical records, as well as a certificate of health. For children in need of placement in a special boarding school, for example, in psycho, should be prepared by the medical Commission on the assignment of a disability or diagnosis if their condition is not so serious. Additionally you will need help from passport office on the status of the living space of the child, which he lives in the moment. Also useful papers confirming the child's status - the court's decision on deprivation of the rights roditelskij, the act of child abandonment.
Contact the district education Department and explain the situation to them. Allowed to transfer to a boarding school for children left without family, but also those whose mother or father was in a difficult situation. In this case, their right to child can be saved so that they could eventually take. Write a letter to the management indicating the reasons for your act. The letter is written on behalf of the parents or legal representatives.
District education Department needs to give the child a ticket, on which he is sent to boarding school. In some cases trial, for example, if the parents disagree with the decision of bodies of guardianship and guardianship.
Act differently if you want to send your child to a boarding school for orphans and a school with a permanent stay. This can be a school for future athletes or other gifted children. Rules of enrollment in a school depending on the school. In some people take competitions, in others - after the entrance exams. To enroll in a sports boarding schools required delivery standards for the specific types of physical training, as well as the recommendation of the coaches.