For starters you have to look at and inspect those thingsthat you want to transfer to the orphanage. As a rule, the capital's orphanages have ceased to take worn clothes from people, because most people are very shabby and old, and sometimes unwashed things. So if you Packed a bag with normal clothes with pleasure and without shame would give a friend, sister, your child, and they would become her with no less pleasure to wear, then you're halfway to a rank worthy of the philanthropist. Kids will be very happy nice and modern clothes. In children's homes willing to take sports clothing and quality shoes.
All clothes should be clean, well prostranoj, dried, preferably ironed. Inspect if there are among the things torn, with radiating joints, musty, potteryware spots. Clothes should not be stretched, fluffed edges. Much spoiled things, even if they once were very expensive and beautiful, better to throw. If you have difficulty, what kind of clothes should keep, and which do not, consult with the administration of the orphanage, or at least when passing things to warn you to keep them sorted.
If you intend to transfer to the orphanage home appliances, books or anything else, also, inspect all external and hidden defects: missing pages in books, whether electronics, etc. is Better, if the transmitted things will have original packaging and instruction manual.
Pass all collected at any centre of social assistance to children. Addresses of centers in Moscow you can find on the website: or 'Regional centers of social assistance to children, see foster your city administration.
Orphans in the hospitals are in dire need of an ordinary, but high-quality things and objects, such as personal hygiene products for girls, soap, toothpaste, powder, cream, powder, baby oil, shampoo, diapers. These hygienic means should not be printed. And, of course, sick kids doubly nice to get a new toy, book, coloring, etc. To assist hospitals please contact the reception of the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of health in your city or directly to the medical institution that deals with the treatment of orphans.
If you want targeted to help a specific orphanage, unable to take things on their own, but in working time and pre-warning of his arrival the administration. Another option is to send things by mail ordinary parcel. Addresses and phone numbers of children's homes of Moscow:
If you are a parishioner of any Church, then there certainly will tell you where you can donate things for children-orphans. At churches and monasteries are also orphanages that will never abandon any charity.