Use the formula for calculating the de-facto population(x XB) NR,where R is the number of working places in the company; Ol is a time of work of the organization for a certain period (e.g. per year); HP — the indicator of norm of work per worker during period of time.
Calculate the payroll number of employees on the basis of previous calculations of the de-facto population(T*I) : D,where I is recruiting number of employees; T is the number of working days in the analyzed period, excluding weekends and public holidays; D — working days except holidays and days in mind the possible non-attendance of employees for other ASM or valid reasons, for example, in connection with a training session or illness.
Please note that payroll should include all workers who were accepted for temporary, permanent or seasonal work for a period of one day or more, counting from the date of crediting them to work. While the payroll numbers count with all the actually working people, the missing, and those individuals who work under agreements of civil legal nature.
Determine the average number of employees of the company for a specific period by summing the index of payroll per calendar day for the period including non-working. Then divide the resulting amount by the number of calendar days in the reporting period. A similar calculation can be performed with the use of normative and actual working time.
Calculate staffing requirements. To do this, determine the number of main workers, then support staff and then administrative and management staff. With the help of this approach, you will be able to explain the role of workers of mass professions that are mainly the amount of work required in the organization.