The total number of working hours is equal to the number of employees engaged in production, multiplied by the time that was spent on the production of a product of common efforts of these workers. It is really spent the hoursof am, which could serve as a standard. This is because in the production process every minute working time are not used with equal intensity.
Note that the hourt of time was used for rest breaks. Suppose you expect normo-hour, s for a production unit, which employs 10 people within 1 working week with a total duration of 40 hours. During the day they do two breaks of 10 minutes each. Thus, the total time that 10 workers had spent breaks during the five-day working week will be:
(10 min. * 2 * 5days) * 10 people = 1000 minutes or 16.7 hourss.
Therefore considering the time spent at the break, the total time for manufacture of the product were as follows:
10 * 40 hours – 16,7 = 383 hour.
So your calculations were more accurate, they should consider the days of temporary disability and absenteeism. This figure may vary depending on the time of year and public holidays falling at different times. As practice shows, the average for the year is 4%. Check the estimated values using this parameter, the number of wasted man-hours will be equal to:
383 – (383 * 0,04) = 367,7 man-hours.
This figure is too theoretical and needs to be clarified because productivity for one business day are also different. At the beginning of the work day need time to prepare for work, and in the end to go home. In addition, hourt of time can be lost due to lack of materials, tool breakage. Such losses usually do not represent more than 7% of the time. With this in mind, the potential number of man-hours will be equal to:
367,7 — (0,07 * 367,7) = 367,7 — 27,7 = 342 man-hourand practically available.
Now, calculate the laborhours. If the productivity of this working group is not higher than normal and equal to 100%, the number of normo-hours will be equal to 342, if the efficiency of labor in this group is higher and equal to 110%, then your order will be 342 * 1,10 = of 376.2 laborhour.
For these calculations you can see that if the group charging the purchase order, the estimated execution time of which 400 hourss, the workers will not have time to run it for a week. Keep this in mind and solve the problem by increasing the number of workers or transfer hourti of the order to another unit.