You will need
  • - The labour code of the Russian Federation;
  • - the form of notification;
  • envelope;
  • - documents the employee, including work-book;
  • - documents of the company;
  • - telegram from employee;
  • - letter from an employee.
Article 84 of the labour code stipulates the right of the employer by agreement with the owner of the work book to send the document on labour activity of the employee by mail. To do this, make a notification. Write the request to appear for the workbook personally in a company where the document is stored. Select the second option of getting the document registered letter by mail. Seal the notice in an envelope, write the last address of residence of the employee or the address listed in the personnel documents. Indicate on the letter that the postman should notify you of delivery of documents to the addressee.
Wait for a response from the employee. If he didn't, send another notice in the same way. Then hem the work book to a personal card of the employee. Labor legislation provides for the obligation of the employer to keep the documents on labor up to 50 years in the archives. For the workbook may be the closest relative to receive the document by proxy.
With the consent of the worker, you can start registration of valuable letters. But oral consent is not sufficient, it is necessary that the specialist has submitted a statement with a request about the shipment in this way the work book. A request for dismissal of the employee can be sent by telegram. The latter is a statement (if it is not), a Telegraph shall be certified by the signature of the employee, which is enough for registration of the termination of employment, forwarding the work book specified in the telegram address.
Come on mail, make a list of documents sent to the employee. Estimate the cost of sent the work book. Seal the envelope, write on it the address of a specialist indicated in a telegram reply. An insured letter is handed to the addressee, after which the company is notified by a notification, which in the future will be able to confirm the rights of the employer in case of labor dispute.