You will need
  • - marshmallow, licorice root, raspberry leaf, cuff;
  • - odorous Woodruff, wormwood, sleep-grass;
  • - sage, red clover, marjoram, hop cones;
  • - elecampane root, vegetable oil.
First and foremost, reconsider your diet. The daily requirement for calcium is not less than 1.5 grams. The rule is to drink 2 glasses of buttermilk, milk or yogurt per day or 100 grams of cottage cheese or hard cheese. Broccoli, spinach, beans, oranges, walnuts, sesame seeds are also rich in calcium.
For absorption of calcium from foods, dietary supplements or eggshell, the body needs magnesium, preventing the removal of calcium from the bones. But to both calcium and magnesium are fully utilized by the body, requires vitamin D, which is synthesized under ultraviolet light. In addition, vitamin D is found in fish and seafood, meat, eggs, bran, brewer's yeast, parsley, fruits and vegetables.
However, vitamin D needs to go into an active form. The necessary hormones. Increase the synthesis of estrogen help plants containing phytoestrogens – marshmallow, licorice root, raspberry leaf, cuff.
To enhance the synthesis of pituitary hormone responsible for the female sexual sphere, are recommended decoctions of fragrant sweet Woodruff, wormwood, sleep-grass. 1 dessert spoon of any of these herbs or their mixture pour half a liter of boiled water, cooled to 60 degrees Celsius. Insisting in an hour, strain and drink in three steps. The course of treatment is 3 months.
Sage, head of red clover, oregano, hops cones stimulate the production of sex hormones in the adrenal cortex, helping in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. 1 tablespoon of herb mixture pour 100 ml boiling water 60 degrees Celsius. Insisting for hours, drink three times. Take courses for 2 months with a month break.
Conventional medicine recommends to treat osteoporosis oil extract of elecampane. Dried and crushed roots of elecampane pour vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10. Steep for weeks, shaking 5-6 times a day. Butter add a dessert spoon daily meals.