You will need
  • - powder of pure chalk;
  • - carrot juice;
  • - tea from lemon balm;
  • - rye flour;
  • - fresh milk;
  • - ghee;
  • - tea with peppermint leaves;
  • - tea with sage leaves;
  • - tea with leaves of alder;
  • - the flesh of pumpkin;
  • - sugar;
  • - roasted onion;
  • - med;
  • - linseed oil;
  • - fresh cabbage leaves;
  • - fresh leaves mother and stepmother;
  • fresh leaves of burdock;
  • - grated carrots;
  • - bean flour;
  • - soapy water.
Purulent forms of mastitis are treated conservatively, without surgery. The main drugs in the treatment of mastitis are antibiotics. They are appointed inside, intravenously or intramuscularly. The choice of drug is based on determining the sensitivity of bacteria. Most common in medicine are considered "Cefazolin", "Oxacillin", "Amoxiclav", "Gentamicin", "Zahradil" and others. To eliminate chest pain using local anesthetics, e.g., procaine blockade.
It is recommended that pumping milk from both Breasts every three hours. Otherwise his stagnation will contribute to the growth of microbes.
Purulent mastitis treated surgically. The surgery is performed under General anesthesia. After her mandatory antibiotic treatment. Breastfeeding is permitted only after the cessation of supplementation and a negative result of the bacterial study of milk on the identification in the bacteria.
In conjunction with the methods of scientific medicine, it is advisable to implement home treatment of folk remedies. It may be performed by using medicinal plants only after consultation with a specialist. The treatment of the disease among people's recipes is prohibited. Most herbs do not possess the ability to suppress trapped in the mammary gland infection.
At stagnation of milk take 4 times a day 1 teaspoon of powder of pure chalk. Drink his tea from lemon balm or carrot juice.
Mix rye flour, fresh milk and melted butter to form soft dough. Leave it overnight and in the morning apply to the sore area of the breast. Repeat a few times.
To the hardened place useful to put the grated carrots, mix bean flour with soapy water. They are a good alternative to fresh cabbage leaves, mother and stepmother, burdock and pre-treated with boiling water.
When purulent mastitis use a paste of roasted onions. Mix it with honey or flax seed oil in the ratio of 2:1. Apply the mixture 2-3 times a day for 3-4 hours until complete recovery.
Boil the pumpkin flesh in a small quantity of milk until a thick mass. Before application of the poultice sprinkle the sugar sand. So pumpkin would be better to delay the pus.
Recovery from mastitis occurs much faster and is less painful if you reduce or completely suppress the production of breast milk glands. To reduce lactation drink tea with peppermint leaves, sage or alder.