To prevent mastitis, which usually begins to develop within 60 days after the sexual cycle, fertilization is not ended (i.e., after a false pregnancy), lubricate the nipples of the dog 1 time a day camphor oil immediately after the end of estrus within 3-4 days. Tight bandage nipples.

Inspect daily owenissalty dog. If puppies are weak to suck all the milk, apply them to different teats so that the milk does not stagnate.

And after the truth, and after a false pregnancy promptly treat wounds and cracks in the nipple.

Do dog massage with vegetable (preferably olive) oil and gently Express the milk. If the nipple is swollen, gently wipe it with soapy water, and then smear antiseptic ointment.

For the duration of lactation do not give a nursing dog milk, limit her drinking.

Regular show lactating, in the absence of fertilization, the dog to the vet. If you do not intend to breed the puppies, that, before the first heat, sterilize it.
If to prevent illness failed, the dog was lethargic, her temperature has risen, and from the nipples seemed watery discharge pus or even blood, is immediately take her to the reception to the veterinarian or to call it home. Puppies should be immediately taken away from the breast.
If your doctor has prescribed treatment (antibiotics, anesthetics, anti-inflammatory and antipyretics), follow the recommendations, do not remove the protective blankets with the dogs.
In the case of the dog purulent mastitis treatment is best done directly in the hospital (at least the first few days), as in a modern apartment is not always possible to comply with all conditions of sterility. If at the hospital there is no hospital, the daily call the doctor so he can conduct all the necessary therapeutic measures properly, and, in the case of deterioration, to quickly adjust treatment.
In that case, if the disease has gone too far or in the absence of positive dynamics in the course of the disease, doctors prepare the dog (and its owners) for the operation, which will be opened ulcers, or if the dog is already more than 6 years, removed the affected breast.
Purulent mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland with the formation of pus in the ducts or abscess — cavity filled with pus. To treat mastitis should be a doctor! • Purulent mastitis is a complication of mastitis caused by an infection when the causative agent gets into the tissues of the breast through cracked nipples or from foci of chronic inflammation in the mother's body.
Useful advice
How to prevent mastitis. In the period of breastfeeding the mother is especially important nothing to catch, because almost any infection in the body can lead to the development of the inflammatory process in the mammary gland: to what used to be called gradnica, and Purulent mastitis is the most severe form of inflammation of the mammary gland and is characterized by a sharp deterioration of the General condition of the woman, severe intoxication.