You will need
  • - the certificate that needs to be checked.
Try to connect directly to an educational institution whose degree is received your employee or applicant post. To do this, locate the phone the Secretariat on the name of the University. This can be done using the directory of educational institutions or organizations. On the phone ask the employee whether it is possible to obtain information about whether a diploma with a specific number was issued in the name of a specific person.
In case of refusal to grant your request over the phone, make a formal request to the school. It needs to be done in the form of a letter, in which you specify the number of the diploma, year of graduation, specialty and surname, name and patronymic of the person who owns the document about education. Also refer to the law under which you can obtain such information. The letter must be written to the rector and stamped by your organization. Some universities may also require review the request of the recipient of the letter. It is reflected in the fact that the applicant puts into text the surname, initials and signature.
Send drafted letter by registered mail. After a certain time from the University to come an answer of whether the registered in their databases diploma with this number and if he really belongs to the listed person.
If for some reason, to response the University has failed you can send a request to the Federal Agency for education. His address and phone number can be found on the official website of the organization