Personal account
Having got an account on the official website of the Body 2, located at the user has the opportunity to resolve the issues that arise in the period of use specified operator, remotely via the Internet. He will be able to monitor your account, monitor the cost of each service ordered, whether it's a call, SMS or any other paid operation, to make payments to move to another tariff, and also to get help and reference information.
Registration on the website
The registration form is located on the main page of the resource and a field into which you must enter the 10-digit number "8". After that click on "Get password". In the future, users already registered can log in to your personal account by clicking on the button "Login".
After receiving a 6-digit numerical password for a few seconds should come in the form of SMS to the specified number, it is necessary to enter in the corresponding field of the info window, if you want to check the line "Remember the number" (this is useful if the entrance is from your computer) and press "Enter".
Next page opens with the user profile, the top of which is indicated surname, name and patronymic of the user who owns the phone number. Below are the details of current tariff with link to more detailed information, account status and date of last refill. Here you can view your expenses over a period of a month or six months, to request a free call detail record for any month in the period. It is done in a few hours and come to the address left email.
If desired, you can Supplement your profile with information about the e-mail and additional phone number. Sometimes the entrance to my office – this is the only opportunity to see the mistake in his surname, name or patronymic, introduced when buying a SIM card. However, for her correction will have to visit the office.
For convenience, the password used to enter your own personal account, you can get in every time you visit the website, having your mobile phone with the appropriate SIM card. However, if she is not always at hand, you can set a permanent password and only use them.