Use the Tracker service for Tele2 to inform the mobile subscriber that you are trying to contact him. To request "Call me", dial your phone the following command: *118* "Enter a number" msgstr""#. For example, to send the beacon to the mobile number 89052223354, dial the following combination of characters on your mobile phone: *118*89052223354#.
Wait until the subscriber will receive a message with the text "You are urgently requested to call back the caller". At the end of the message will specify your mobile phone number. Please note that there is a restriction on sending beacons "Tele2". In a month you can not send more than fifty messages.
After each send you will receive special notice, indicating the total number of sent requests "Call me" for the current month. This service is free and requires no additional connections.
To see how many beacons you sent this month, please, dial the following command: *118#, then press call button. Detailed information on this service, please call the service number of the operator of the 634.
Use the service "replenish my account" if you have reached the limit of sending beacons. For this enter from your mobile phone the following command: *123* "Enter a number".
For example, to send a request to replenish the account to the number 89054445566, dial *123*89054445566# and press the call button. The subscriber will receive an SMS-message on your behalf which contains the text "Please add to my account". Please note that there is a limit for sending such requests: in the day you can send no more than five such messages.