Go to the store's website and sign in using login and password to track the parcel from AliExpress on the order number. Access to functions is via the "My Orders". Just navigate to the order, delivery of which you are interested in and select "View data". Scroll down the page to block tracking of your shipments and copy the tracking number. Inserting it into a special form, you will see the current location of the goods.
Take advantage of other sites that allows you to track the parcel from AliExpress on the order number. One such service is Gdeposylka, where it is possible to observe for multiple parcels at the same time in free mode. A paid account provides access to more than 5 orders and allows you to be notified about. Another popular resource is Post-tracker with the ability to track three packages at a time in free mode, which, however, has not too user-friendly interface.
Track a package from Aliexpress on the order number from China has some nuances. Note that sometimes it takes time to parcel has left the Chinese customs. So if the tracking order is not initially available, wait for a while and periodically check the controlling sites. Continue to monitor the status of the parcel on the website of the Russian post, where you can also enter the track code or on the website of the main postal service of the country in which you are shipping (Ukraine, Belarus, etc.).
Pay attention to the features of delivery of the goods at the time of his order. For example, in some cases, may be mentioned the administration of the Singapore service Free Shipping. Track-code of such packages will have the literal value SG, and track it in Singpost website. If shipping is paid services, for example DHL or EMS, use the sites or related services. For example, the delivery of EMS is a first for China, where it monitors the local site the courier, and then through the RF (website for control – Emspost).