Disable "a Package of three services , which includes the GPRS-Internet, if you are a subscriber of "Beeline with the help of USSD-command *110*180#.
Disable the "Package of the three servants in his private office Internet control center service "My Beeline https://uslugi.beeline.EN/. To get the password for the login, send from your phone USSD-command *110*9#.
Disconnect GPRS-Internet on your tariff plan "Megaphone , sending from your phone USSD-command *105*1800#.
Disable your Internet connection in your personal account system "Service-Guide As login name type your phone number in 10-digit format. Get a password to log into the system using any of the available methods: send USSD-request *105*00# send an empty SMS to the number 000110, please call 0505 or go to "obtaining a password on the login page of the system.
Go to the main page of the personal Cabinet in the section "Services and tariff - "Changing set of services . In the list of services put the marker in the line "of Mobile Internet . In the opened list of services remove the markers in the row "Internet without settings and "Packet data . Click on the "Make changes . On the next page, confirm your intention to disable services.
Disable GPRS on your tariff plan "MTS , sending an SMS message with the text "21220 to the short number 111 or through USSD command *111*17#.
Log on to deactivate GPRS in your account to "Internet Assistant "MTS . To assign a password to logon, send from your phone USSD command *111*25# or call 1115.