Get on the road. From Gelendzhik to Sochi can be reached in various ways. One of the most simple and logical to go by bus. Several transit flights connect these two settlements.

Check the schedule on the bus station, and on its electronic page in the Internet. The ticket without Luggage need to reserve about 400 rubles.

Road transport in this area is the most popular. To get to Sochi by car. Path length of approximately 250 km. Therefore, in order to arrive on time, it is necessary to count that on the road you will spend about three and a half hours. The average car will need 20 litres of petrol to cover this distance. Therefore, for the purchase of fuel must be reserved in the order of 600 rubles.

Also, if you have the desire and ability you can get from Gelendzhik to Sochi by taxi. We can say that fun is not cheap. Price of delivery depends on the company where you order a taxi. On average, you should focus on the amount of 5000 RUB.
Overcome distance quickly. To get by air to Sochi is also possible, but not directly. The plane departs from Anapa. Journey is 1 hour and 10 minutes. The ticket cost about 2000 rubles.

Also to Sochi can be reached by water. Initially you need to drive to Novorossiysk. From there to Sochi runs a "rocket". The journey time of 3.5 hours. Ticket price from 2,200 rubles.
Brighten up the trip themselves and others. Another unusual option is to hitchhike. Option not the easiest. Planning anything here is problematic, and you should always remember about the danger of such movement. However, fans of extreme travel should take note of this kind of travel.

A couple of tips for Amateurs hitchhiking. To stop the car on the highway must in a visible location. Preferably on those road segments where vehicle speed is lowered (before the turn, bumps on the road). In the dark should have reflective elements on clothing.

Choose the suitable mode of transport. Nice trip!