You will need
  • - a thread;
  • - tweezers;
  • - fleece;
  • - soap solution;
  • - antiseptic;
  • - a match.
Contact the nearest medical facility. The best way to safely remove a tick is to entrust this procedure to the doctor. It not only will save you from this arthropod, but will also check your blood for the presence of tick-borne encephalitis virus – a dangerous disease, which can lead to complex mental, neurological complications and even death. It is the spread of this virus threat the tick bite. Here only this method is good only if you can get to the hospital quickly so as to delay the removal of the tick is impossible.
Remove the tick yourself with fleece and soap solution. Wet cotton wool in strong soap solution and strongly push towards the tick. After a few seconds, quickly start rotating it counterclockwise. As a rule, if a tick dug deep, it will be enough a few spins. Otherwise, you will have to spin the fleece is not less than a minute.
Pull the tick with tweezers. To do this, disinfect tweezers with alcohol or any other antiseptic, hook them sticking out the body of the tick and Unscrew it counterclockwise. Just pull impossible, as ticks do not just bite into the skin and twisted it clockwise. To get therefore the tick must be very careful not to break it and not to leave the head to rot under the skin.
Remove the tick thread. Make a loop around the protruding part of the embedded parasite and remove it with rotary motion. To be safe, you can tie a few loops. If the thread or tweezers at hand, and the abdomen of the tick enough to become engorged, try to get him clean hands.
Burn extracted the tick, so as to throw its impossible that no one else was hurt. Then treat the bite with iodine or any other antiseptic to eliminate inflammation.
In the near future please contact a medical institution to avoid the severe consequences of possible infection with tick-borne encephalitis or tick-borne borelliosis. You take the necessary tests and, in the case of a positive result, will prescribe a suitable treatment.