
Some people think that the tick can be picked up only in the forest. Perhaps, indeed, the forest is more dangerous in this respect, but to meet the mites can in the city. They are especially active in warm, humid, but not hot weather. Exercise particular caution is necessary in late spring — early summer and late summer — early autumn, because this time is the most active peak of their activity.

Detection of the tick

The tick bite may be totally noticeable, as in the saliva of this spider contains a pain-relieving substance. That is why it is necessary after each camping trip carefully inspect his body. To pay attention need the head, hair, ears, collarbone, neck, back, hands, armpits, groin and chest.

A tick that has not yet sucked blood, has a dark gray or black color, the size is not very large — about 4 mm. of blood Engorged tick will be a light gray color, the size it can reach even 1 centimeter.

The first thing people try to do when you see the spider trying to pull it out by hand or to shake off the body. Such actions can lead to undesirable consequences. Usually the abdomen of the tick breaks off, the head remains in the skin, produces inflammation and abscess.

How to get rid of the tick

Leave the tick in the skin while also dangerous, as any delay will increase the probability of contact with infectious agent in blood. Of course, if a tick is his carrier. If medical gloves are recommended to put them on before removing the tick.

Remove the tick in two different ways — with a thread or with the help of forceps. To make removing the tick with tweezers, it is necessary to take a blunt pair of tweezers, carefully grab them tick for the base of the head, but in any case not over the belly. Then slow and vykruchivatsya movements it should be taken out. If you do not have tweezers, thread is taken and tied off between the skin of the victim and the base of the head, the suction. Further, the ends of the strands stretched to the sides and the tick is successfully removed from the body.

If you can not remove a tick the first two ways, not necessary to apply excessive efforts. Instead, it is necessary to drip on the tick a drop of alcohol. This may force the insect to relax the mandible. It is not necessary to use kerosene, nail Polish, vegetable oil or other liquid. Do not try to burn the tick with a match.

If self-extraction failed and was a failure, immediately contact the nearest emergency room. If after removing the bite was swollen, red and inflamed, then do not forget to talk with your doctor. If any ailments immediately go to the doctor, as the situation may take a serious turn.

What to do after removing a tick

When the tick has been successfully extracted, it is necessary to treat the bite with some antiseptic. Don't forget to wash your hands with soap and water, unless you used gloves. Do not dispose of the tick and place it in some transparent clean jar, close tightly and deliver to the lab. Specialists will be able to determine what species this tick and find out if this spider is a carrier of any disease.


Correctly and in a timely manner assisted with tick bites can reduce the risk of complications. But it is better to protect yourself from possible troubles in advance. When you hike in the woods, wear clothing with long trousers and sleeves, be sure the headpiece. Legs tuck into socks or boots. At home after coming home mandatory check of the whole body, underwear and outerwear.