You will need
  • - rags;
  • - remover;
  • - grinder or an angle grinder;
  • - sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • - roller;
  • - primer;
  • - the stain.
If you are going to varnish a table that has been painted or has a lacquered surface, then the entire old layer of any paint material clear and only after careful processing proceed to re-coating.
To clear the table of paint materials, use chemical, mechanical or thermal removal of the old coating. When you use a chemical flushing system, apply it to the surface of the table with a rag after 10 minutes, wipe table with a dry cloth.
To remove the old layer of varnish or paint with a heat method, use a heat gun. For use make the heating surface and remove the old layer with
using rags.
To clear the table of old layers of paint and varnish materials by using a mechanical method, use a grinder or rotary sander and fine sandpaper. Gently clean the surface at a low speed devices since the inclusion of a high-revving can cause damage to wooden surfaces, then you will have to putty the entire surface.
Apply a layer of varnish you can with a brush or roller. If you use a clearcoat and you want the table had shade, you must apply one, two or several layers of stain or colored primer.
If you are not using stain, be sure to Prime the surface of the table not less than two layers. This will reduce the consumption of varnish and smoothes minor irregularities that are always present on the tree, regardless of how careful sanding it.
Use primer water-based, which are presented in trade in a wide range and have different colors, and can also be colorless. After applying each layer, allow time for complete drying of the surface. It will take 12 hours.
Apply a coat of varnish, leave the table for 24 hours for complete drying of the first layer. Cover the table with varnish for a second time.