If you need to go on a business trip or just to travel, take a trip to the train station and find out the train schedule. Please contact the passenger or commuter the cashier with a question about whether there is free space in the train.
Numerisches to go on a journey, consider the route you will get to the final destination in the shortest possible time. Next, go to the train station and find the most suitable routes of trains. The ideal would be if there is a train that connects your location at the moment and desired destination. Then it will not need to transfer to another train.
If there's no such – do not worry. Find the routes of trains that will allow you to quickly get to the desired location. In case do all the above procedure you can not use the advice of qualified experts from the railway station or the railway station. They will tell you the availability of seats in trains in which you are going to travel.
The journey on the train always associated with some risk, so be careful and attentive. Before crossing the state border prepare all documents to pass the customs as soon as possible. Due to the vast area of our country, long-distance trains can be in flight for up to 10 days. Such a long journey, prepare yourself in advance. Take a sufficient stock of provisions to be able to fully eat on the train, if not in the wagon restaurant. Buy tickets in advance - this way you will protect yourself from unpleasant surprises, when, before the departure of your train may not be available. Modern cars will protect you from the inconvenience and will not cause discomfort. So sit back and enjoy from the window magnificent views and landscapes of our vast country.