Prepare a "slicer" - a special brush for combing out long hair. Despite the terrible name, the brush removes only the hair that is already separated from the body of the cat. Of course, if many sites on the body, with matted fur, there is a risk to make a cat in pain. You may also need a steel comb with blunt teeth. When choosing a comb or slicker follow the recommendations of your vet. Remember - the more frequently you combed your pet, the less discomfort she will deliver this procedure.

Place the cat so that it is convenient for you and her. First comb the hair on the neck. Move the comb in direction of hair growth gently and tenderly. Talk to the cat, calming her. Combed neck, go to the front legs and the armpits.

The most problematic area in fluffy cats tummy and part of the hind legs, called "trousers". Make a note of these places special attention. It was there often formed mats, especially if the cat can't reach these places, licking himself. Find mats, gently untangle them with your hands and comb as I can. Particularly bad sites it is best to cut out with scissors.

Put the animal on its feet and comb hair on the back and tail. After finishing the procedure, stroke your cat, praise her, give her a treat. Gradually, your pet will be comfortable letting you comb yourself, perhaps even purring with pleasure.

If the skin of the cat has mats, it is better not to bathe until they are removed, otherwise the hair problem areas will tangle even more. Carefully dry and comb the cats ' fur after bathing mats can appear again.
Useful advice
Of great importance in grooming cats vitamins play. In cats which the owners regularly give vitamin feeding, fur less tangle, grows healthy and shiny.
Even if you comb the cat regularly, it will still ingest some amount of their own wool during washing. In order for the clumps of wool does not accumulate in the stomach, causing nausea animal, and came out in a natural way feed your pet a special paste.
Even if you comb the cat regularly, it will still ingest some amount of their own wool during washing. In order for the clumps of wool does not accumulate in the stomach, causing nausea animal, and came out in a natural way feed your pet a special paste.