You will need
  • computer;
  • one of the programs: AngryIp scanner, NetSearch, NetView.
To search can use AngryIp scanner (you can download it from the official website at The application carries out port scanning. Run the utility on the computer. Before you open the window. Can perform settings of the program. Go to Tools and then click on Preferences. Be sure to put a checkmark on the tab Scan dead hosts which don't reply to ping. This will allow you to scan more slowly, and thus find more proxies. In option Ports specify the ports. In field of the P Range input ranges of the search. Then press the button Start. The search process is started. It remains only to wait a while and see the results. Before you will have a list of computers.
Also a handy program to search for – NetSearch. Download and install to your computer and run the program (you can download it from the portal Before you open the window. To begin your search, find the tab "network Scan". Then click "Start" and wait for the result. In addition, you can specify the search parameters. You will have the opportunity to send a message to the user computer. In the program settings you can make it so that the program NetSearch will automatically start. To do this, select options on NetSearch.exe auto.
NetView program that looks for IP addresses, computer names. The official website of the program does not, however, you can download it on the software portal Install any language interface. This can be done in the settings. To start scanning, simply click on the "network Scanner" in the "Tools" or "Start scanner". The result will appear in the center of the working window. If you click on one of the names of the computer can make the edit. The user can also enter the IP addresses that he wants to find. The NetView program will scan the network and display the results to you. To work, you can use any of the listed programs.