You will need
  • The destruction of aphids on houseplants
  • - soap (100 g)
  • - water (10 l)
  • liquid for washing dishes (100 ml)
  • - the basin
  • - sponge
  • - chamomile (1 tbsp)
  • - tansy (1 tbsp)
  • - thermos
  • The destruction of aphids on the dacha
  • - soap or liquid soap (100g)
  • - water (10 l)
  • - wood ash (200 g)
  • - tobacco dust (40 g)
The destruction of aphids on houseplants.
Inspection of plants.

Carefully inspect all your house plants. If you find curled leaves or a sticky residue as well as a group of these insects, as soon as possible start processing.
The solution of soap.

Pour warm water into the basin. Astrogate or grate the soap. Make a strong soap solution. Bring your plants to the bathroom one at a time. Place them on a grate or in the bath. Rinse thoroughly with a sponge dampened in a solution of soap, all the stalks and leaves. Apply with a sponge and soap windowsills and flower stand.
Tincture of chamomile or tansy.

Fill the thermos with boiling water dry chamomile or tansy. Allow to stand for. Cool and strain. Pour the solution into the sprayer or pour in a bowl. Wipe all the plants with a sponge dipped in the solution. Then several times a day, spray the flowers until complete disappearance of the aphid.
A soapy solution of liquid dishwashing.

Whisk in a bowl with water liquid for washing dishes. Obtained the soapy water, apply on the flowers with a sponge or rag. After treatment, the plants do not need to rinse in clean water.
The destruction of aphids on the dacha.
Tobacco dust.

Brew tobacco dust in a thermos or in a one-liter jar. Allow to stand for two days. Strain. Dilute two times and spray all the plants in the garden.
Soap with ash to the bushes and trees.

Take from the fire pits of wood ash and pour it in a bucket. Add liquid or soap. Stir well. Treat the solution with a sponge and all the twigs and leaves of trees, which are able to reach. The lower flexible coils can be dipped in the bucket. And the tops of the trees, pour from the dispenser.