You will need
  • garden var
  • - lime
  • a solution of Malathion
  • - garlic
  • - tobacco or shag
  • - wood ash
  • - celandine
Only a comprehensive approach that includes prevention and control, will allow you to get rid of aphids on plants. Remove from the stems, exfoliating bark, treat all the cracks and damage to garden pitch and whitewash trunks with solution of lime.
Before Bud break and the beginning of the growing season spray the trees and shrubs with a solution of Malathion, at a concentration of 75-100 g of dry substance per 10 liters of water.
Remove from the site all not rotted over the winter the plant remains weeds.
To avoid the appearance of aphids on indoor plants, regularly inspect the leaves and remove dry parts of plants, periodically wash them under running water or spray from a spray.
For pest control you can use preparations: Aktara, Aktellik, Fitoverm, INTA-VIR, Decis, etc., but don't forget that insect easily gets used to the drugs, so they should not be used more than 2-3 times per season.
Not less effective to get rid of aphids on plants help folk remedies, for example, the infusions and decoctions of various herbs. It is better to prefer them in the active growth period of plants because they will not only destroy the pests but not harm useful insects. Often use the following solutions:Garlic infusion. Chopped teeth of garlic (100 g) pour 3 liters of water and allow to stand for 3 hours, then dilute by half and spray the plants with fresh solution.
Tobacco infusion. Per 10 liters of water take 400 grams of tobacco, or of tobacco, and 40 g of soap, boil 30 minutes, cool, strain and spray plants.
Wood ash. It is necessary to insist 2 tbsp. of wood ash in 10 liters of water, add 40-50 grams of soap and spray the plants.
A decoction of celandine. Fresh (300-400 g) or dry (100 g) plants pour 1 liter of water and infuse during the day. The infusion boil for 30 minutes, strain and use for spraying.
In addition to the above tools, you can use infusions of the leaves of tomatoes, potatoes, dandelion, Tagetes, onion peel etc.