The ownership of the plot, of course, abundantly than the right to its rent. This is the best option, which guarantees the protection of your property rights not only on landbut also on those structures that are on it. To acquire the right of ownership is needed through the renewal of the lease.
To renew the earth in the property, write the application addressed to the head of the municipality, in whose territory this land. In this state the request to renew the right to it and provide it to you at property. The authority must consider the application and make the decision to change you the appropriate rights to the land. You will then need to register the ownership right in accordance with the Federal law "On state registration of rights to immovable property and transactions with it".
Changes in land laws, primarily relate to the redemption of lands which are in state or municipal ownership on which are located buildings belonging to private ownership. The law stipulates the exclusive right of the owners of these buildings, with the privatization of these land plots. In this case the right of renewal in the property of the legitimate owners of the buildings and structures have, regardless of the lease terms and if she started before the entry into force of the Land Code of the Russian Federation or after.
In the case where the purpose of the site granted to you rent – "to conduct design and survey works and construction of residential house", place it in a property you will not be able until then, until you enter the built up residential house in operation. Only after the structure to be adopted by the Commission, you will be able to redeem the land and to renew the right to lease the right of ownership.