If you are the owner of this site (the landlord), you can sell it without the termination of the previously signed lease agreement. In this case, you need to notify the buyer that he will have to perform specified in this contract (according to article 617 of the civil code) until the expiration of the validity period. The owner of the site can also terminate the lease on the basis stated therein points (if any).
If you are a tenant, you can't sell the land, and may assign its rights and obligations reflected in the rental agreement, and only with the written consent of the rightful owner.
Transfer rights may be exercised either by payment of a fee (then you will need to pay tax from the agreed amount), or without it.
Write a receipt on payment of remuneration, and the contract indicate on the donation of their rights to another tenant, thus you will avoid paying the registration fee.
If the lease does not specify the conditions of transfer of rights of a tenant to a third party for the duration of this agreement, it may assign its rights and obligations on the land without the owner's consent, but with notice (according to article 25, section 5 of the land code of the Russian Federation). A new lease to sign and you don't need.
Write a notice in two copies and send to the owner. One copy is signed by (date of delivery to the incoming number) must be returned to you.
The same applies to land owned by the state (article 22, paragraph 9 of the RF LC). Upon termination of the contract of the previous tenant you can redeem the right of rent of municipal land at auction.
Sign up at the auction. Apply and provide your financial claims (usually prior to the auction, a Deposit is required).
We will offer favorable price, complete results of the auction and enter into a right of use or ownership.