You will need
  • - the form of the insert to the workbook;
  • - documents the employee, including work-book;
  • - documents of the enterprise;
  • - the rules of work books;
  • - The labour code of the Russian Federation;
  • - record of work books.
Liner shall be attached to the labour book. When the latter end leaves, the employee is notified in written or oral form. Then officer prepared statement. It specialist requests the issuance of the liner. The statement is signed, is forwarded to the Director. The head is affixed visa.
Make a order. Use developed the form of the order within the firm. Write your company details, number, date of the order. In the subject specify the results the linerand labor to the owner. As the base, write the statement of the worker. In the administrative parts lay the responsibility for the issuance, execution of this document on staffing. Sign the order signed by the Director. Familiarize yourself with the disposal of the personnel, the professional who issued the insert.
The employer issued a leaflet of a pattern which is valid at present. No matter if work book the old model. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the document of proof of employment is valid if at the time when it was issued, was approved this sample.
Take the insert to the labor book. Make it a series of number on the title page of the document on the labor activity in the upper right corner. Tell the specialist about that liner without presenting an employment record is not valid.
Enter in the record book of work record the date when the wound liner. Email the personal data officer. Enter the serial number insert. Enter the name of the company Department (structural subdivision) that admits the specialist. Talk to the employee's salary the amount spent on the purchase of the linerand labor to the owner. Then upon termination of the contract give the liner to the employee against receipt. Dismissal of specialist employment history, liner stored at the company.