You will need
- - doctor's consultation;
- - comprehensive medical examination;
- - boron and zinc ointment;
- corticosteroid ointment;
- - chamomile;
- - the sage;
- - potassium permanganate.
Pass the examination in a specialized medical facility, to determine the cause of the itching. If itching occurs after taking medication or products, the cause is likely in allergic reactions. Itching at the area of the genitals or anus may indicate inflammatory diseases. Anyway, try to figure out and resolve the cause so that treatment would be most effective.
Try to change your diet. Remove from the diet of alcohol, spicy and spicy food (pepper, vinegar, mustard), canned food, honey, chocolate, citrus.
If you are bothered by itching of the genital organs or anus, keep yourself clean, more to wash, after stool use soft toilet paper.
The reason may be in your nervous system, in this case, take sedatives prescribed by your doctor.
Local treatment of the lesions itching of spending by boron and zinc ointment with the addition of carbolic acid, benzocaine, menthol (also on prescription).
Several times a day to make hot or warm douches or baths, throwing them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Use to treat itching sage in the form of infusion, decoction or bathing. In small amounts use it inside one teaspoon to brew a Cup of boiling water and drink as tea (in large amounts it can cause irritation and even poisoning).
Very good action has chamomile, brew it in the following proportions: 3 tablespoons in a liter of water boil for 5 minutes. Strain and use for baths, lotions, mouthwashes. Chamomile not only enhances the regenerative processes, but also stops the pain, reduces allergic reactions.
For the treatment of itchy skin lesions take corticosteroid ointment (sinalar, locacorten, prednisolone ointment) and apply to the affected area, sprinkle with talcum powder. In the morning remove the ointment with a swab dipped in boiled vegetable oil. Repeat the procedure every day for 1-2 months, then take a break.