You will need
  • forms of the relevant documents, employees, company documents, company seal, pen, Labor code.
In accordance with article 93 of the Labour code of the Russian Federation the employer has the right to put the employee in part-time work unilaterally, if the reason for this change in technological and institutional conditions.
Head of structural unit in which expected changes of staff time, and writes the name of the first party management letter, where it expresses the inevitability of the application of article 74 of the Labour code of the Russian Federation and proposes to establish for certain part time employees and assign the remuneration in accordance with the actually spent time.
Director of the company publishes the order about establishment of the incomplete working day. In the header of the document specifies the full and abbreviated name of the company in accordance with the constituent documents or a surname, name, patronymic of a physical person in accordance with the identity document, if the firm is a sole proprietorship.
The order is assigned to personnel number and date of publication, name of the document, write the reason of writing, which appears in the memo.
In the administrative parts, specify surnames, names, patronymics of staff affected by the application of the incomplete working day, the names of their positions. Second paragraph write the essence of the orderand that is that you set an incomplete working day. The third paragraph States that the wages of these specialists will be charged in accordance with the actually spent their time. Fourth – the appointment of the person responsible for familiarization of employees with orderom the fifth to the termination of the employment contract in case of their disagreement with the document in accordance with article 74 of the Labor code.
The order is signed by the Director of the enterprise, writing the post, the surname, name, patronymic, assures the seal of the organization.
Assigned to the person responsible informs employees order, the workers put their signatures, date of examination, write the transcript and post.
The effect of this orderand may be suspended by issuance of a order.