Dead energy

Cemeteries are impregnated with a negative (dead) energy. People come here not with a joyful emotions. Here only pain, shame, hopelessness and absorbing grief. Of course, the energy of these feelings in the cemeteries is everywhere.

Any thing, whether it be flowers or a souvenir here has a hidden meaning and always means something. When grieving relatives decorate the tomb with various trinkets, they spend a part of his soul, and deceased relatives perceive this gift as an offering of respect.

If you completely reject the mystique, taking something from the graves, the man makes unpleasant first living people, relatives and friends of the deceased, who once again came to the grave, will find they have brought things.

Cemeteries traditionally cause people to have mixed feelings. Some of them are afraid, someone, on the contrary, considers them a place of infinite peace and serenity, preferring to stroll through the cemetery alleys alone. However, it is necessary to treat the cemeteries with due respect. Games, drinking alcohol, and photo shoots in cemeteries before a fall. Sooner or later, but the payback will be.

What is necromage

There is one powerful area of magic, which is practiced by some magicians and sorcerers – necromage. Here, all rituals certainly involved a graveyard, with dead energy necromage induce or relieve human beings from spoiling, doing terrible omens.

Cemeteries concentrated powerful energy, which necromage know how to use. With special rituals created a clot of dead energy, which is able to absorb all living things.

Bringing something from the cemetery, people unknowingly can start the absorption process or to make a transfer of energy. The consequences can be very sad. Aura of a living person becomes vulnerable. Dead energy, like a cancer, eats away life energy. Man begins to fade directly into the eyes and this process, then it is very difficult to stop.

What are people with cemeteries

Sometimes just marvel at the boundless imagination and irrepressible entrepreneurial spirit some of the characters, are ready for the benefits to take the most extreme measures, not even thinking about the consequences.

Enterprising old woman with graves collecting flowers for sale. Even apples "rejuvenating" to bring the churchyard, especially if you live somewhere nearby.

Fashion to leave small gifts on the graves came to Russia from Europe. Angels, lamps, beads, baubles, colored stones give the grave touching. Many people began to decorate the burial place of their loved ones in this way. However, there are comrades who shamelessly take these things. Especially strongly such grave attract children. Of course, that the parents are somewhere nearby, but for some reason they allow their children to take jewelry with you, not bothering to explain all the danger and sacrilege of this act.