According to legend, things every man impregnated his energy, therefore, some religions say that from the things the deceased person must get rid of, while others require you to store them as a memory.According to one source, in the Orthodox tradition, to complete the earthly Affairs of the deceased, his stuff is required to distribute to the poor people for 40 days after the death, asking them to remember the deceased and pray for his soul. First, it will help the soul of the deceased to decide his further participation in that light. And secondly, you will help people who really need clothes.For other sources, the possessions of the deceased cannot be touched until the expiration of 40 days after death. Only after this time they can be distributed.The Bible does not clearly define these terms, so neither of them option is not a violation of biblical laws. Throw away belongings of the deceased should not, because they can benefit the needy people in them.If you have no one to give the possessions of the deceased, you can leave them at home or take to Church or charity where they always will.If the person died, after suffering serious illness, his things (clothes, bedding, dishes and more), many are advised to burn. But doing so is problematic, not taking you to the woods for this procedure. Although you could just put them in the trash, from which they will take special service and burn. But if you don't want to do that – don't do, it's your personal decision.As you can see, there is no clear answer to this question. There are only various opinions and recommendations. Therefore, follow what you heart tells. You can leave your things yourself or give them to someone who needs them more than you, or throw it away altogether. After all, stuff is just stuff, and the memory of the dear man is not in them.