
Parents and the PTA can provide to the Director a big impact. The school provides children with education services, and consumers of these services are just parents. Parents have the right and should check the assignment handed "repair" of money, the level of organization of the educational process, the degree of security in the school children.

If parents are not satisfied with something, they have every right to complain to the city (district) education Department. Officials are obliged to accept the complaint to consideration and addressed. If there is no reaction, continue to complain. Collect signatures in your class in school, connect classroom teacher.

Even if a teacher is afraid to speak out against the Director-the tyrant, he will surely be able to give you good advice. Don't give up, and the result will not keep itself waiting long: in the end, officials will understand that it is profitable to get rid of the careless Director than years to tolerate the influx of parent complaints.

File a complaint through the Internet. On the website of the Ministry of education there is a special form that you can submit a complaint to the high court directly, bypassing local officials. Also you can file a complaint directly on the website of the President, by sending a message through the contact system of the Kremlin. All these appeals are considered mandatory.


You should not blame teachers that they do not conduct active hostilities against the headmaster. Teachers are mostly women with families and fear of dismissal. Teacher education is driving them into the narrow confines of choice of employment, and out of this framework, they have nowhere: not in the sellers to go after five years of the Institute.

However, there are Director-tyrants, and timid teachers put out. They fired left and right, nagging, forced to work overtime, take a watch. The tyrants do not tolerate dissent and rid of those who complicates their lives. To defeat this Director alone.

There are two options: either to leave the school (not yet fired), or find like-minded people and conduct clandestine activities. "Throwing a rod" in the teachers ' room to search for a disgruntled Director should be very careful not to arouse suspicion. In recent history there were cases when teachers combine their efforts with parents, I managed to lose the post of Director-tyrant.