One of the most common causes of muscle spasm in the throat is considered goiter – growth of thyroid gland, compressing the muscles and organs of the neck. In addition, the spasm can cause cervical osteochondrosis, chronic pharyngitis, disorders of the esophagus, gastro-esophagial reflux, and also taking antihistamines or anti-hypertensive drugs. Often his appearance provokes esophageal-diaphragmatic hernia – the spasm may occur after overeating, overwork or repetitive and long torso.
Often muscle spasms in the throat are the consequence of injury of the esophagus caused by swallowing gastroscopic probes, swallowing a sharp object and even use a very strong alcohol. In this case the mucous membrane of the larynx may reflex to contract the muscles in response to the stimulus. Also spasms of the muscles of the throat are often psycho-emotional nature, arising in response to stress, depression, frustration, fear and various conflicts.
Even when a single muscular spasm of the throat need to visit the ENT, endocrinologist, orthopedist and neurologist. As first aid can be done on the neck and throat warm compress that will relieve muscle hypertonicity, and subject to availability, to take an antispasmodic drug. To prevent re-occurrence of throat muscle spasm should sleep on low orthopedic pillow, periodically do physiotherapy and avoid nervous tension.
Some time after muscular spasm of the throat it is advisable to speak less in order not to overtax the muscles and ligaments of the larynx. Inflammatory nature of the spasm is assigned antibakterialnuyu therapy. Scar or chronic neoplastic diseases of the muscles of the throat are treated with surgery. If the spasm does not pass and does not allow the person to breathe, you need to call an ambulance that will perform a tracheotomy – but such cases are quite rare, so most often this condition is treated by irrigation of the ligaments, warming strained muscles and throat a complete rest.