You will need
  • simulator;
  • - anti-cellulite cream or gel.
Start by making a balanced menu. For quick weight loss is to eat at least 5 times a day and very small portions. The menu should be vegetables and cereals. You can add lean meat for example Turkey or chicken, steamed or baked without butter, cheese and other high-calorie additives. Avoid sweets and fruits, and foods that cause bloating - a variety of beans, black bread, made of yeast dough.
It is important to ensure a normal digestion and proper water balance. Drink at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. Fit and herbal teas - mint, chamomile, and a decoction of rose hips. From coffee and carbonated drinks should be abandoned - they do not quench thirst and can cause dehydration. Do not drink concentrated fresh juices and especially the drinks packages - they offer a lot of sugar.
Follow the caloric intake. The number of calories can be calculated depending on your height, age and degree of physical exertion. To lose weight but not slow down metabolism, a woman of medium height and moderate physical activity should not exceed the rate of 1500 kcal.
Engage in physical exercise. The waist to form a variety of bends, turns and the rotation of the body. To warm up do exercises in standing, warming up muscles, proceed to a more complicated complex. Lying on your back, move your raised straight leg right and left, do the "scissors" lifting the straight leg just above the floor. Very effective exercises to hang on the gym wall or the bar, as well as training with weights on his feet.
Buy a simple exerciser for developing abdominal muscles and oblique muscles responsible for the waist. You will fit rotating disk, the slider, the wrap. Do exercises several times a day - it will help not to get tired and spend the maximum amount of calories.
Learn the techniques of self-massage. The waist area RUB, clasping it with both hands. Pinch the skin, moving from the back to the belly. This will increase blood flow and provide intense fat burning. Massage can be combined with the application of anti-cellulite cream or gel. In itself, cosmetic product are unlikely to get rid of your excess fat. His task is to condense a skin and to visually pull silhouette.
Buy shapewear. The easy grace or panties with a high waist creates a slender waist, eliminate excess fat and give you confidence. Besides, this lingerie will help relax the muscles to stay toned, will support your back and provide comfort to internal organs. Do not buy too tight underwear. Best option models with a regulation size - with their help, you will soon make sure that actually lost weight in the waist area.