About thin and curvy waist is the dream of any woman to achieve good results you have to stick to strict diets and do to exhaustion in the gym. For weight loss important to combine special exercises and proper nutrition, and then you can get a good effect.

Not all exercises for hips and waist are useful and effective for the fairer sex.

1. If every day to make inclinations in the parties with the use of dumbbells, the waist on the contrary expanding, as the growth of the oblique muscles is accelerated. From this exercise a good effect on men than women.

2. Experts do not recommend to twist hula-Hoop, from his blows can cause internal organs and cause their drooping.

3. When cornering with the weight on the shoulders compresses the intervertebral discs that can lead to spinal injury.

4. Performing only strength training, you reduce the volume of the waist. It is important to include in the program of training which will cope with the fatty deposits on the sides.

5. To get the maximum result, it is important to engage in a day or two. The first step is to perform warm-up, then perform special exercises for the lateral muscles and the press, and to finish classes cardio.