Hamanari uzkolisty or fireweed is a perennial herbaceous plant with straight stem, cylindrical shape. The leaves of the plant are dark green in color and arranged alternately pointed at the end. Flowers gaminerie uzkolisty pink and gather in a bunch. The Corolla of the flower with four petals. The fruit is in the form of long rectangular boxes. Plant height is approximately 60 to 120 cm Flowering fireweed from June to September. The plant is propagated using seeds or vegetatively (buds).
Fireweed is found in almost all areas of the state. Grows in malovannyi places, such as along road or forest edges. Kamenari is a plant clock as it is always open at 6-7 am. Collect leaves Ivan-tea in the period of its flowering and dried in the shade or well ventilated areas. The leaves contain a lot of tannins, vitamin C, calcium, manganese, copper, iron, potassium and sodium. But it should be noted the fact that the alkaloids are part of the plants are still quite unknown.
Ivan-tea has sedative, astringent, laxative, hemostatic action, and the ability to heal wounds. In folk medicine, fireweed is also used as a remedy against inflammation of mucous membranes in the treatment of stomach ulcers. Effective fireweed in the treatment of colds, stress and various neurosis.
The method of preparation of tincture of gaminerie following. You need one tablespoon of dried plants pour a glass of boiling water and infuse hour. Taken dosed infusion one tablespoon before meals three times a day. This tincture is fit for use and retains its useful properties over three days from the date of its preparation.
A decoction of fireweed can be used in the fight against flu and anemia. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 15 grams dried leaves of the plant add 200 ml of boiling water and boil it all for 15 minutes. Admission is 3 times a day before meals. It should be noted the effectiveness of this decoction in the treatment of wounds, pressure sores and ulcer processes (should wash the wound with decoction).
In the treatment of certain diseases also used a decoction of the root of fireweed. Cook it very simple. To 250 ml of water add 10 grams of crushed root of the plant, boil for 30 minutes. After that, you need to carefully strain the broth. In addition, the roots and leaves of the young willow-herb, if they cook fit to eat.