Here are some tips to after the procedure, you are not overwhelmed by negative emotions.

1. You need to epilate only after the end of menstruation, as during the critical days the pain threshold is highest.

2. Use the scrub the day before the procedure. He will remove dead skin cells, smooths the skin and will make the process of depilation more quality, not leaving without attention the fine hairs. After the scrub, use the moisturising cream – this will reduce pain and prevent inflammation.

3.An hour before epilating take any pain medication.

4. Use this procedure only wax durum, which acts more gently. It is based on pine resin or oil, with the addition of vegetable or lemon oils to prevent cracking and strong adhesion of the wax mass. The wax is hot applied on the skin in direction of hair growth. Under the action of heat the pores open, and, after cooling, the wax along with the hair is easily and painlessly removed from the skin surface. The only drawback – in the absence of sufficient experience with a high risk of burns.

5. During epilation breathe evenly and deeply. This is the most distract you from the pain.

6. If you're an emotional person then do not hesitate and do not be silent during the treatment, it will also help to reduce pain.

7. Remember that waxing is contraindicated in skin diseases and allergies, as well as in the application of cosmetic products containing retinol and alpha hydroacids.

After the procedure may appear small bleeding points are quite normal. To prevent inflammation, clean the surface of the skin with a cotton swab moistened with 3% hydrogen peroxide.

After epilating, sometimes remaining visible ingrown hair. In this case, for 2 days, wash the areas with ingrown hairs with antibacterial soap and grease with ointment with hydrocortisone, then within 5 days lubricate any exfoliating cream. And after hair out, yank it out with tweezers.

Using these tips, the procedure of hair removal will give you a minimum of negative emotions and memories of it will not be Intrusive and painful nightmare.