If the person died suddenly, it is important to prepare everything for the burial in the course of 2 days. Therefore, to do organization is usually started by those who didn't go into hysterics and are able to calmly think, because you need not to forget anything.

What to do if the death occurred

If the person died at home, immediately call an ambulance. Not immediately say that he died. It can be a deep fainting or coma. In this case, the team will hold a series of events in the intensive care unit, and there is a small chance to fix it. If this doesn't help, the doctor finds death.

Staff medical assistance call the police for examination. It is important to their conclusion that the present crime. And then the body is taken to the morgue. Only in small towns can keep him in the house, as there are no storage places of the dead.

With this certificate you need to go to the office of the Registrar for a certificate of death. In parallel, you need to call friends and relatives to know what happened. At the same time, you will have to set a date for the funeral, so everyone could come and say goodbye.


Burial and funeral can be done by yourself or you can contact the salon of ritual services. The company will undertake all the necessary preparations. If you decide to do to cope, then the sequence of actions is as follows:

Call the morgue, specify the date when you can pick up the body. Ask what to bring. Usually need clothes, shoes. As well as the coffin and the burial attributes provided by the religion of the deceased.

Decide the way of farewell: cremation or burial. Usually followed by a last will. If you select the disposal that search for a cemetery. Call, find out the cost of additional services. If you are satisfied, sign a contract. It will specify the date of the farewell, this time to prepare the grave.

Get everything you need for burial: the coffin, wreaths. Book transport for transportation of the deceased, as well as those who are going to say goodbye.

On the day of the burial, took the body from the morgue. Sometimes the deceased is brought into the house, sometimes saying goodbye to another place. Choose by yourself how convenient. Notifying all relatives and friends.

Pre-order your Wake. Today, many cafes offer this service, if you want to save money, contact the dining rooms. Typically the menu offers organization may have to make some adjustments. Specify a time when people will drive for a meal. But the funeral can be arranged at home, if the number is not large.

The day of the funeral

If you did everything correctly, problems should not arise. But in the morning make a call to the morgue, as well as those who have to bring the deceased. Check that everything is in order. Make sure that the transportation will arrive on time, have everything you need. At this stage it would only take control, everything else won't matter.

Don't forget to take a sedative. You may need it to the relatives, because someone can be very hard. You can also bring your handkerchiefs, they would be appropriate.