You will need
- tweezers;
- ice;
- salt;
- gauze or cotton wool;
- antihistamines.
It is important to know that the risk of a wasp sting is the possibility of repeated injection of poison to the human body. This may provoke a severe allergic reaction, contributing to the development of angioedema and anaphylactic shock. In addition, the complication of wasp sting infection can become open sores, which often develops in the inflammatory process. Secreted by the wasp neurotoxin instantly into the bloodstream, is fatal by acting on liver cells and blood. In the absence of allergic reactions in humans, the unpleasant symptoms usually pass after two or three days. Significantly reduce their appearance you can during special events.
First of all, you need to make sure that the bite left a sting. Otherwise, carefully remove it with tweezers. In no case do not squeeze and not restorability it! This can lead to the spread of toxin in the subcutaneous tissue and wound infection. The damaged area antiseptic: rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or a tincture.
To prevent or relieve swelling that appears, then close the wound gauze pad with ice. In its absence, you can use lotions with cold water, periodically changing them. Usually after 2-2,5 hours the swelling subsides. In addition, effectively relieves swelling of the salt wash (teaspoon of salt in a glass of water). She will pull the venom and the inflammatory exudate gathered at the site of the bite.
If the victim has a tendency to allergic reactions, we need to give him an antihistamine ("Aleron", "Aerius", "loratadine", "Effective"). Additionally can be applied on the affected area of the body the remedy in the form of an ointment or gel ("Bepanten", "Psili-balm", "Core"). With this, you can also use the hormonal ointment, "Hydrocortisone", "Ftorokort", "Diprosalic".
Note that in severe cases, elimination of unpleasant symptoms after being bitten requires medical care, to resuscitation events. To avoid this, it is necessary to take all measures to reduce the risk of bites. Allergy-prone people should have a first aid kit with effective antihistamines.
The rate of symptoms after a wasp sting depends on the site of the injury, of a person's predisposition to allergies and the amount of the toxin. If the poison gets into the area where there is a lot of blood vessels, reaction develops within half an hour.
Useful advice
The victim of a wasp sting you need to drink more water to speed up elimination of toxic substances from the body. It is preferable to use mineral or purified water, weak tea with sugar or solution "Regidron".