Remember that if some sort of insect managed to sting:Gently remove an insect from the surface of the skin. Flush the bite.
At a sting of a bee, immediately remove the stinger, although in recent years, not all professionals allow it, fearing the additional release of venom.
Treat the bite by any antiseptic (perfect alcoholic solution of brilliant green – the usual "Zelenka").
Apply to swelling ice (in a bag or a napkin) or just a cold compress for half an hour.
When expressed tumors immediately consult a doctor. If for some reasons this is not possible, in an emergency situation, will have to do selftreatmentm:Take any antihistamine tablet prolonged means. Children under one year preferable "Suprastin" in accordance with the age dosage. If the swelling increases rapidly, you can enter "Tavegil or Suprastin" (child - 0.1 ml per year of life, the drug is no divorce) intramuscularly.
Adults and children from one year to the bite, apply ointment "Alloderm", it relieves itching and swelling.
For those who prefer a traditional medicines you can use:Packs of soda bread (the location of the bite baking soda, moisten with water to a pulp, close the foil and wrap).
Regular alcohol compress. Note that the alcohol concentration should not exceed 70%.
Rubbing balm "gold star" (a well-known Vietnamese "asterisk").
Compresses with mint juice, chopped parsley leaves or plantain, can be applied even onion gruel.
In most cases, swelling after insect bites quickly, causing a few unpleasant moments, but in the event of a sharp deterioration of medical emergencies.Keep in mind that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so use repellents (protection from insects).