The effectiveness of the comprehensive medical examination

Comprehensive diagnosis of the organism includes number of studies, with which it is possible to determine the individual characteristics of the patient to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe a rational treatment. Depending on the nature of the disease is the volume and frequency of the mandatory medical examination. If pathology is within the competence of specialists, the diagnosis will include special studies and techniques. Physical examination will give the opportunity to provide a holistic picture of the patient's condition, allowing to establish or exclude a connection of the destruction of individual bodies. Diagnosis includes a special program, prepared by taking into account age and sex characteristics of patients.
Digital mammography with SAP – the newest method of diagnosis of breast cancer with improved detection circuitry tumors.

Methods and techniques of a comprehensive examination

Functional diagnostics is an important stage of screening services in any medical institution. Instrumental and laboratory methods allow to study the activity of the body, and determine optimal load and functional reserve.

X-ray examination – a universal method of early diagnostics of diseases of the chest including tumors, pulmonary tuberculosis and other disorders. Using the latest x-ray equipment, electron-optical amplifiers and computed tomography are complementary diagnostic value of this research method.

Ultrasound occupies an important place in the integrated survey. It allows previously inaccessible morphological and functional studies of a number of bodies.
In some clinics in Moscow it is possible not only to obtain the survey results and expert medical advice, but to make an individual patient with DNA code.

Completed comprehensive medical examination results with the patient a detailed report on the state of his health. According to his results, the medical specialists will conduct a detailed analysis of risk factors to certain diseases that will allow to obtain reliable data on the health status of the patient. Get a complete medical examination – means to protect themselves from possible health problems in the future!