How to convince to zakodirovatsia: highlights

A conversation about the refusal of alcohol is rarely met with understanding from those who drink a lot of alcohol. Do not expect that you will be able to immediately convince the person to undergo the procedure coding. To speed up the process, try to choose the right moment for conversation. Most in such cases, approach a situation when an alcoholic is already damaged due to his addiction to strong drinks. It is important that happened recently: you can refresh your memory of unpleasant moments, showing him what alcohol has done to his life.
Don't lead these conversations when your partner is drunk or suffering from a hangover, because he just does not want to listen to you. Need to he was sober and could talk quietly, not in a hurry.

It is advisable to talk in private so no one bothered. Give facts showing that alcohol is bad for the life of your loved one. Talking about how it's bad for him and his family. Talk quietly, do not be angry, do not blame, do not say hurtful things. Your goal is to show that you are sympathetic to the situation and I think that the problem in alcohol, and not in man. Try to give your interlocutor to understand that when he will get rid of the addiction to be much better, because the problem is not him but his enemy – the addiction to alcohol.

What to do to make people want to zakodirovatsia

You can try to show the alcoholic that he loses because of his addiction. Remember, what he was interested in and liked, try to revive in his soul the desire again to engage in the same hobby.
It is very important that passion is not reminded of the painful moments, which could cause blackouts.

If you are among the people whose opinion is valuable to the alcoholic, there is someone who has already successfully pass encoding, ask him to help. A good example is often more effective than words.

Unfortunately, there are times when it seems almost impossible to convince a man suffering from alcoholism, coding required. Close down and refuse further assistance, knowing that the results will not be. Don't lose hope. In this case, you can refer to good and experienced psychologist specializing just on these issues. If the alcoholic does not wish himself to go to a specialist, you will be able at least to see what to do and say in your particular situation. Working with a professional will help to solve the problem.