You will need
  • - cash tenge;
  • - currency exchange;
  • - passport;
  • - Bank card.
If you want to know the approximate amount in Russian roubles, can use services of websites that provide these services. The sites are named currency Converter, they instantly transfer the currency from one monetary unit to another. The website Converter is updated daily exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. To convert KZT to RUB, you need to choose the source currency unit (KZT), the desired Bank and currency output (the Russian ruble).
Now that you are aware of the approximate amount in Russian rubles, you can safely go to a currency exchange. Choose the Bank that offers the best exchange rate (it can be found in advance through the Internet or phone call to the Bank). Check with the cashier whether the desired amount and swipe exchange. The exchange of tenge for Russian rubles on the territory of Russia, the cashier of the Bank may be required to present a passport.
If the same Bank you have two settlement accounts (in Kazakhstan tenge, and the second in Russian rubles), you can just transfer the required amount from one account to another. The Bank will take only a small percentage for the conversion.
If the second account in rubles you have in the Bank there, get him immediately before the exchange. All the details of the operations, the possibility of exchange of tenge to Russian currency can be specified in a specific Bank.
You have a Bank card with the account in tenge? You can remove it with Russian rubles at any ATM on the territory of the Russian Federation. Tenge will be automatically converted into rubles.
There is a way of converting tenge into roubles without visiting the Bank. You can use the services of Internet banking. The most popular option is the Webmoney service that instantly transfers money from a purse in tenge to the purse in Russian rubles.