You will need
  • - hop cones, alcohol;
  • - bobovnik, mint leaves, fennel seeds, flower baskets yarrow, the herb St. John's wort;
  • - bedstraw, peppermint, dill fruits, marigold flowers, dandelion roots, lsita birch and barberry;
  • vegetable oil, grapefruit.
To eliminate inflammation of the gallbladder is possible in the following way: take 10 GMS of hops, and pour one Cup of boiling water. Insist in a thermos or other container with the lid tightly closed for one hour. Infusion strain and take one tablespoon three times a day. It is possible for these purposes to apply a tincture of this plant. For this you will need 25 of hop cones, which need to pour a half Cup of alcohol or vodka glass. Steep for weeks and take one teaspoon before meals three times a day.
When inflammation of the gallbladder will help the following collection: 2 grams of bobovnik, 15 grams mint leaves (chopped), 15 grams of fennel seeds, 15 grams of baskets of figs and 30 grams of herb St. John's wort. Take two tablespoons of cooked collection pour two cups of boiling water, insist in a thermos for two hours. After that strain; the amount of infusion must be taken throughout the day, 1-2 tablespoons per reception.
Chop and mix two parts of cleavers, peppermint, fennel fruit, calendula flowers and one part dandelion root, and barberry birch leaves. Take one tablespoon of the collection pour a glass of cold boiled water, leave to infuse for one hour. Next you need to put the dishes with the infusion and put a warm water bath, soak 30 minutes. Two hours later, strain through cheesecloth and take it three times a day, 30 grams half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment to two months.
Mix 1/4 Cup of vegetable oil and the same quantity of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice. Before to drink this blend (before bed), it is necessary to clear a stomach and an enema. After the treatments, and taking the mixture lie on your right side in bed. Morning repeat enema. The procedure can be repeated as needed, but not earlier than 4-5 days.